
Bee Happy IDA Rules 

Safety and welfare for your dogs whilst at any events organised by Pinkfox Dog training is our priority. A lot of our terms and conditions are in place for that very reason. We get they are boring however please do find the time to read through them. It is our focus that everyone that attends has the opportunity to gain from our shows what they want and each person has different reasons for coming to our shows so please bare this in mind.
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Our aim is to provide an event for those starting out on their competition journey with their dog. Or for new to competition dogs with an experienced handler. With this, our first priority is to the welfare of any dogs entered into any of our shows and if a member of our team has any concerns they have an obligation to raise them with the show organizers, Pinkfox dog training, who will act accordingly. If you as a competitor have any concerns over a dog’s welfare we ask you to raise them in a timely manner to the show manager who will deal with the matter. 
As our shows are designed to bring in new competitors into dog agility we ask that anyone entered into our shows to please respect and support their fellow competitor. No one's journey or experiences in Dog agility is exactly the same to someone else's therefore we would like to ask you to be considerate and helpful where possible. If you are found to be disrespecting someone else at our show you may be asked to leave. We all were beginners once.
By entering a dog into a Bee Happy show we will expect that you have trained them to safely use the agility equipment that is provided by the organizers. This includes jumps, a wall jump, a long jump, a Tyre, an A frame, a dog walk and tunnels for all levels and then seesaw and weaves for novice and upwards.
All persons entering this show do so at their own risk. Whilst every care will be taken, Bee Happy IDA and the Owners of the showground will not accept any responsibility for loss, damage or injury caused to persons, dogs or property.
Training in the ring is permitted and you will be given up to 60 seconds max. If you are planning on using your run as training you will need to let the Scrime know you are running not for competition (NFC). You are then welcome to use a toy to reward whilst in the ring or large, non crumbly, highly visible treats.
Judges decision is final even if you have proof that a mistake has been made you are not permitted to personally challenge a Judge. If you believe a mistake has occurred please report the incident to the show manager within 28 days of when it happened. If you are found to be correct this will not change any results from the day however your evidence will provide an opportunity to learn from for anyone that was involved. Mistakes do happen from time to time however it is our aim to learn and improve in order to prevent a similar incident from occurring again. Judges are human after all.
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If you disagree about how the event is run or any of the procedures at our show you are more than welcome to raise your concerns officially in an email to the show organizers at Pinkfox dog training. You are not permitted however to post a complaint or negative opinions about the show or any persons running or attending the show on any public group or page on any social media platform. If you are found to be doing so, you could receive a lifetime ban from entering any future Bee Happy shows and any event organized by Pinkfox dog training. You could also be privately taken to court if we believe that the actions described above have unfairly damaged our reputation without probable cause.
Competitive runs, a handler is not permitted to carry a toy or food in their hands whilst in the ring and whilst under examination of the Judge.
Dogs are to wear flat collars only when in the ring. It is law that when your dog is in a public place they are to wear identity tags. These will need to be a flat tag that lays flush along your dog's collar for being in the ring or their details can be embroiled directly onto their collar. Nothing is to be dangling off a dog's collar whilst in the ring.
A dog is not permitted to wear a coat or jumper whilst in the ring. The same goes for a body harness or head harness.
No harsh handling will be tolerated, this includes shouting at a dog or delivering positive punishment. If you are caught doing so you could face a lifetime ban from entering any future Bee Happy shows or any events organized by Pinkfox dog training, You will also be reported to the relevant authorities.
No prong collars, retractable leads, e collars, vibrating collars or choker chains are permitted at any Bee Happy show or any events organized by Pinkfox dog training. If you are found to be using any of the above whilst attending any of our shows you will be asked to leave and could face a lifetime ban from any of our events.
Each dog entered will be given a running order number. It is your responsibility to enter the cue as close to your order number as possible. There will be 5 max in a que at any one time. For example, there are 20 dogs entered in a class and your dog has a running order number 19. You will be expected to run your dog towards the end of the class. If you book into a class too early you will be asked to return at a more appropriate time. If you have a just cause to run out of order please speak with the ring party whilst course walking for that class is occurring and before the class has started to agree when to book in.
If a dog progresses up a grade at either KC or a A4A show they will automatically progress up to our equivalent grade for their next Bee Happy competition. You are required to inform the organizers by email before the Thursday of the dog's show.
Parking marshals will be available to monitor the parking area; however, they will not be held responsible for any loss or damage to your property that may occur.
No squeaky toys around the ring
You must clear up after your dog and use the bins provided.
Dogs are to be on lead at all times unless in the ring or exercise area. This includes around the car park.
If you encounter a dog on a leash while yours is off-leash, do not allow your dog to approach the other dog.
Open to dog's from 15 months with the caveat that they run at the lower height to their official measure and can only enter classes in Pre Intro.
Judges may run their own dogs for competition when they are not scheduled to Judge.
In the unlikely event the show has to be canceled Bee Happy IDA reserves the right to defer expenses incurred by deducting such expenses from the entry fee received.
Bitches in season may compete and regardless of their running order they are to run at the end of the class. Please notify the ring party if your bitch is in season for each class you have entered.
Marking of faults will be as per Kennel Club rules. Any variation to standard classes will be given by the judge in their briefing.
There will be no refunds after the closing date.
Closing date 10 days before each show date unless numbers are reached. Please check entry fees as over-payments will go to charity and underpayments will be chased.
Once you have received your running orders it is your responsibility to ensure everything is correct. Please report any amendments to the show Secretary before 4 days of the planned show.

Double dog walk

Double Dog Walk game is where the only contact equipment in the ring is the Dog Walk with the course going over it twice.  A fun game and a perfect opportunity to proof your dog's Dog Walk behaviour. 

Triple A

Triple A is a course containing only the A Frame which will be used 3 times. A fun game and a perfect opportunity to proof your dog's A Frame behaviour.
Photo Credit Mark Watkins, Chasingrays Photography. 

Power and Speed

Power and Speed is when all the contact equipment is at the beginning of the course (the power section). You then go straight onto the speed part which is a Steeple Chase type jumping course testing your dog's speed. You can handle your dog between the power section and the speed section.
Photo Credit Mark Watkins, Chasingrays Photography.


We attended the first show at Bee Happy Independent Agility Shows and despite the weather the show ran well considering it was the first. Myself and Smudge thoroughly enjoyed it. It was our first external outdoor show and we came home with a win. It was totally worth waiting around in the rain! The volunteers, judges and organisers were really helpful and it was a really friendly atmosphere. We enjoyed it so much that we have booked again for the end of June! Thank you for a great show!


Call us on 01772 393080 or use the contact form to submit an enquiry and one of the team will get back to you.
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