
Become a Bee Happy Judge 

Judges are vital for Agility competitions and without people volunteering their time both in and out of the ring Agility shows would not go ahead. It is one of our missions to encourage more people into this important role.

Undertaking the KC Judges course costs money, time and effort to complete and what if you do all of that to go onto Judge and find that it isn't really for you?

At Bee Happy IDA we would like to offer you the opportunity to give judging a try to help you make a more informed decision.

You can choose to Judge for half a day or a full day. We cap our numbers at 130 dogs so you will have a maximum of 260 runs through a ring in one day.

We can offer you support with designing your course through to what happens on the day.

Hannah Grantham is a KC Judges instructor with many years of Judging herself from grade 1 through to Champ and she has offered to check your course design to ensure safety is maintained. The rest of the design however, is down to you. This is optional and we will cover the cost of this.

Our minimum requirement is that you compete at grade 6 with your own dog with a keen interest in designing courses that flow with natural lines for our dog's. Our shows are grass roots level and we attract new handlers and dogs to competing so we would also need you to be encouraging and patient to support competitors in the ring. I am sure your remember how daunting it was during your first lot of competitions.

To offer your time could not be any easier, simply complete the form below and we will be in contact.
We would also love to hear from you if you are an experience Judge too! As you are best placed to offer advice and support to new competitors and new Judges! 

So if you have the same passion as us to bring in new competitors to our sport in order to secure its future, please do complete the form below.
In return for your time we are paying our Judges £30 plus lunch for half a day and £80 plus lunch for a full day. Our Judges guidelines can be found below the form. 
Judges Guidelines click here


Strike and I had a great time on Saturday - our first show! Everyone was friendly and helpful.


Use the contact form to submit an enquiry and one of the team will get back to you.
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Thank you for contacting us. One of our colleagues will get in touch with you soon.
