
June 29th Show Results


June 29th Show Results

Well, what a super 2nd show! Even though the first show was really late getting started because I totally underestimated how much work it took to set up and the weather was shocking I still saw the 1st show a success because we got it off the ground. 

Our 2nd show however, was way, way better than the 1st. With having a dedicated set up crew and pushing the start time back to 9 am we got started just half an hour late. I have identified a couple more things to tweak to make setting up even more efficient going forwards so I predict this will be improved.

Due to setting up better other things were improved too. Each ring had the correct paper work and we had the PA system set up so we could keep all competitors informed on the classes!!

I hope you guys agree having the rings where we did last Saturday worked much better along with being able to park on the field. This meant most of us we able to stay close to our dog's whilst they spent time in their vehicles. This is the lay out we will keep.

And we had an ice cream van come to spend the day with us which was perfect as the sun shone for most of the day which added to the success of the show.

George Parish made his debut with his camera and O.M.G! The photos he got are amazing. If you haven't checked them out already click here to be taken to his website. They are available for you guys to buy.

Thank you to all your kind comments and constructive feedback. Most of you reported that the show had a friendly, relaxed and supportive environment. This makes me so happy to hear this because this has been my main aim with these Bee Happy shows. If you guys felt that whilst at the show I am taking that as a huge win. Yes, there are other bits and pieces that need tightening up or changing to ensure the smooth running of the show however I am confident we will get there with your support and input.

Thank you to everyone that spent time on the rings to keep them running and to the gals that stayed behind to pack down and made sure I didn't get stuck on the field again in the van like last time (whoops). 

We recognise a good number of you are new to competing so when it comes to helping on the rings we do not expect you to do this when its your first show. It is important to us that you have the opportunity to learn what to do when competing like booking in for your run, queuing etiquette through to what to do once in the ring. All Dog Agility shows rely on volunteers to keep the rings running, including KC shows. Some are stricter than others because to put it simply, without your help there is not show. Therefore we will be encouraging everyone to help,  many hands make light work and this is so true of the smooth running of a ring. We are lucky to have very experienced, friendly competitors coming to Bee Happy too and they are more then happy to help you to learn what to do in the different roles. This will also prepare you for KC shows if this is your aim so please do take the opportunity to give the different roles a go whilst you are at a much smaller and relaxed show and whilst we are about to support you. To give one of these roles a go, when completing your entry form, select one of the "shadow" roles. This means I will pair you with someone who is experienced in that role who can then mentor you on the day.

Rules and Regulations are there for the safety of our beloved dogs. Even if you do not agree with some of them I really appreciate that most of you adhered to them. Just a quick reminder that there are to be NO squeaky toys around or near to the rings. The noise they make mimics that of a small rodent and many dogs sill have the natural drive to want to chase and dispatch them, therefore these can and have in the past ruined a dogs performance whilst in the ring.  

Retractable leads are also not allowed at the shows. These are not safe in an environment that is busy with many dogs and people. Either a double ended lead for two point contact to your dog or a single short lead to keep your dog close to you whilst moving to and from the parking area to the rings. Its very easy to allow your dog to move further away from you whilst on a retractable lead which could lead to a trip hazard for people or entanglement for another dog. The material used for the rope part of these leads have in the past caused horrid injuries which is something I am super keen to avoid happening at any of the events I organise. So I again thank those who adhere to this rule it is very much appreciated.

Lastly and most importantly, thank you all for entering the Bee Happy show and competing on the 29th June. These are for you however without you these wont exist. The relaxed, supportive and safe environment is down to you. Long may we stay this way. 

Bee Kind to others, to your dogs and to yourself and have fun training and competing.

See you all soon at our next show on the 21st July or 18th August.

Agility results click here
Double Dog walk results click here.
Jumping results click here.
Steeple Chase results click here.